Test yourself

Create the noun denoting the other person in a relationship (the person initiating the action vs the one receiving it)


1.  promisor and promisee

2.  donor and (1 p.)

3.  (1 p.) and offeree

4.  (1 p.) and assignee/assign

5.  transferor and (1 p.)

6.  borrower and (1 p.)

7.  (1 p.) and tenant

8.  lessor and (1 p.)

9.  mortgagee and (1 p.)

10.  vendor and (1 p.)

11.  (1 p.) and mandatee or mandatary

12.  payer and (1 p.)

13.  obligee and (1 p.)

14.  (1 p.) and representee

15.  guarantor and (1 p.)

16.  (1 p.) and debtor

17.  testator and (1 p.)

18.  intestate and (1 p.)

19.  interviewer and (1 p.)

20.  commissioner and (1 p.)

21.  pledgor and (1 p.)

22.  lienee and (1 p.)

23.  mentor and (1 p.)

24.  (1 p.) and appointee

25.  insurer and (a person whose name in on the policy) (1 p.) or (a person who pays) (1 p.)

26.  (1 p.) and mandatary or mandatee (in the context of mandate contract)

27.  (1 p.) and attorney-in-fact or private attorney or attorney (in the context of power of attorney)